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Wild About Weather

Our topic for term 3 is 'Wild About Weather'. We will be learning about lots of different weather conditions and how weather can effect people in different places across the World. We will be looking at weather from the past and how things have been put in place to try to prevent weather disasters. We are going to be making our own weather reports and even visiting a windmill to see how wind can help us make different things.


This week in English we have been thinking about different words that we associate with different weathers. We then used the school laptops to create word art to show our words in a shape that we felt represented our chosen weather. We really enjoyed using our ICT skills to present our work in a different way.

Check out some of our great pieces of word art!


We had a fantastic time following instructions and creating kites. At first it was a little bit tricky to tie the knots tight enough on the string to hold the sticks but once we got the hang of it we soon got on with the job.

We were lucky to have a little bit of wind so tried our kites out in the playground. As you can see we had great fun watching our kites flying in the sky.
