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In English we are looking Non-Chronological reports, these are report that are written without a need to have the information in them in any particular order. Firstly have a look at the features of a Non-Chronological report and then see if you can find the features in one of the reports provided. 

Next were are going to look at how to write a report about space. Have a look at this next report and see how it has been written, what information does it have in it and is there anything useful you could use? It's now time to make notes about the sorts of information you can include in your report, start with this document and then more onto searching the internet for cool facts about space (this bit must be done with the help of an adult for safety reasons). 

The research my of taken several days, that's fine, the more information you find the better. Now use the plan below to start planning out your own Non-Chronological report. This document is for you to make notes on and decide where to put your information. It is not meant to contain your whole report as their isn't much room in each box.
