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Meet the Team

Pastoral Manager- Ms Wise 


Hello My Name, is ‘Ms Wise’

I am the Pastoral Manager here at Holy Trinity Primary School.


During my career, I have always worked with children and families, I previously worked for the Emotional and Behaviour Support Service, Children with Disabilities Team, Domestic Abuse Service working with children and families as a Children and Young Persons worker and  finally at the Teaching and Learning Centre, which supports children who were at risk of, or have been permanently excluded from school.


I have worked for Holy Trinity Primary School since March 2022, in my role as Pastoral Manager, I am Designated Lead in Safeguarding and a Level 3 Practitioner in Unconditional Positive Regard. 


I ensure that the families at Holy Trinity Primary are supported in the best way possible. Part of my role is to attend Team Around the Child meetings, Child In Need meetings and  Child Protection conferences.


I support your child with Pastoral Support Plans, referring to Healthy Minds and completing Early Help Assessments, by identifying the best way possible to support the families that I work with and working together to  find solutions.


I  set up a Mindfulness Forest School therapeutic intervention for children who are identified as needing this amazing intervention, which gives the children an opportunity to be able to learn new skills, build new friendships, develop social skills and learn resilience.


I am also  trained in Drawing and Talking Therapies, Sand Therapy, Play work and I am very excited to be able to deliver this intervention to  children here at school.


We have an amazing room called the ‘Rainbow Room’ where children can come and speak to us about any worries or concerns that they may have, the is our safe pastoral room where children can come if there are experiencing a difficult time at school and are needing some time out of the classroom to be able to be supported to help reset and refocus themselves ready to return to learning.


If you need to speak with me about anything relating to your child, I will be at school every Wednesday, I am on Class Dojo for all classes or you can contact me by email at the following address-


My pastoral team is completed by my brilliant Pastoral Learning Mentor ‘Mrs Gowshall’, whose role is also to support  our families here at school. 


Learning Mentor- Mrs Gowshall


Hello, my name is Rachel Gowshall and I am the Learning Mentor, Forest School Lead and trainee Mental Health lead here at Holy Trinity.

I have been at Holy Trinity for 3 years having previously worked with families and children within the voluntary sector. 


I work alongside the Pastoral Manager and SENDCO in supporting the children with their social and emotional needs, this can be with check-ins right through to multi agency support with the TAC, PSP or EBSA pathways. 


I provide Lego Therapy and ELSA interventions for our children, having been trained by the Lincolnshire Psychology Service. 


I am fortunate to be Forest School Lead, Forest School pastoral mindfulness sessions are part of our pastoral offer to our children.


If needed you can found me outside on the playground at the beginning and the end of the day, alternatively I am on all Class Dojo Classes.


There is never any questions or worry that will ever be too small when it comes to your child so please don't hesitate to get in touch, I am here to support you and your children.  

